Chapter 9 Labor Cost Control
Job descriptions
1. A heading that states the job title and the department in which the job is located.
2. A summary of the duties of the job, typically written in paragraph
3. A list of specific duties assigned to the job. - Step by step instruction for doing the specific work
Personnel recruitment and personnel selection
1. Review recruitment practice
2. Ensure candidates go through both their current skills and future potential.
3. Give candidates chance to tell you what they know about your organization.
4. Have a well thought out job descriptions
Employee orientation and employee training
1. Introduction to the company
2. Review of important policies and practices
3. Review of benefits and services
4. Benefit plan enrollment
5. Completion of employment documents
6. Review of employer expectations
7. Setting of employee expectations
8. Introduction to fellow workers
9. Introduction to facilities
10. Introduction to the job
Employee supervision and employee appraisal
For maximum effectiveness from workforce, every employee should know what is expected and how he or she is performing on the job.
Direct monitoring: Direct observation by a manager or supervisor of an employee at work.
Indirect monitoring: Developing variety of means or methods for assessing work without directly observing it.
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