Chapter 7 Production And Serving Controls

Production planning and forecasting production needs 

. Production is the transformation of raw or processed foods into an acceptable finished product, ready for service. 

Portions of a given menu item should be identical to one another in 4 respects: 

1. Ingredients 
2. Proportions of ingredients 
3. Production method 
4. Quantity 


Ingredient assembly 

.  In this system, the ingredients needed for recipes for the day’s production and for advance preparation are weighed, measured and assembled in a central ingredient room or area.

Portion control 

.Standardized portion are important not only for cost control, but also in creating and maintaining customer satisfaction and goodwill. 

Personnel Equipment 

• Worktable     
• trash receptacles 
• counter scales    
• counter pans  (for cans food) 
• mobile storage bins (sugar/flour) 
• trays (for assembling) 
• refrigeration      
•  measuring utensils 
• scoops  (dipping flour)   
• packaging materials 
• sink and water supply   
• marking pen/masking tape (labeling) 
• can opener 

Standard recipes as production tools 

• Consistent in quality aspects, including flavour, texture and portion size. 
• Minimize the effects of employee turnover on food quality and simplify the training of new staff. 
• Key to centralized ingredient assembly, where accuracy in weights and measure is essential. 


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